Learning to be Free - Chapter 21 - CobaltCactus (2024)

Chapter Text

“OH! MY! GODS!” Karlach squealed happily, “You two look f*cking AMAZING!”

“Yes, we do,” Lae’zel agreed smugly.

Shadowheart felt a sudden rush of unexpected heat shoot up the back of her neck, “You look pretty amazing yourself, Karlach.

“Pssh, really or are you just saying that? Either way, it’s probably just because I had a proper mirror to use while getting dressed for once. It was so much nicer to get ready here than in the Elfsong. Thanks for that.”

“Really. I mean it. You’re positively radiant.”

“Huh,” she smiled sheepishly and looked down at the navy blue pinstripe suit she was in. “Well, it was Wyll’s idea to go to see what his tailor could do for me. I really wasn’t sure if the whole patriar look made sense but it's sooo hard to find my size in dresses at the last minute, ya know? I guess it paid off.”

Lae’zel and Shadowheart raised a brow.

“What?” she blinked.

“You’re using Wyll’s tailor now? How…intimate. What else of his are you using?” Shadowheart mused suggestively.

“I know what you’re doing, Shads,” Karlach frowned.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not doing anything!” she laughed.

“Yes you are. You’re trying to get me to kiss and tell about Wyll. Too bad! That’s for Lae’s ears only.”

Lae’zel’s ears perked in interest. For her ears only? She’d overlook Karlach’s compulsive need to butcher her name if it meant juicy news.

“Well, good! It’s about time you two ‘locked horns,’” Shadowheart giggled. “I honestly don’t know how you lasted this long.”

Karlach’s jaw dropped to the floor, “How the f*ck did you know?!”

“Hmm. I don't know. Was it a simple deduction?” she pondered, glancing at her nails nonchalantly. “Or…did I read your mind?” she asked, looking up with a devious smile.

“Shiiit, what else did you see in my head?” Karlach worried, tail falling completely limp.

Shadowheart sighed, “Calm down, I’m joking. I can’t read minds. It was a lucky guess. I would never have known if you hadn’t confirmed it.”

“f*ck! Good to know, I guess but I was supposed to keep it a secret,” she groaned, her tail twitching back to life.

Lae’zel clapped a hand on Karlach’s back, “May he bring you joy just as Shadowheart has for me.”

“Gods, Lae he does,” she fanned herself as she was overcome with flush, “You have no idea. I am so happy I may just f*cking burst.”

“Also know that if he ever hurts you, my sword is yours,” she said, poking Karlach’s arm for emphasis. “I pledge to be at your side as you visit agony on him the likes he has never known.”

“Um…thanks. I'm flattered but that’s not my style. Well– usually. Gortash was the exception, I think. Maybe? Probably? Hopefully we’ll never have to find out.”

“The oath stands,” she shrugged.

“Lae’zel and I thought he was a virgin,” Shadowheart snickered into her hand.

Karlach leaned in and whispered, “Even if he was it doesn’t matter now. He’s very good at taking instructions. That’s the main thing.”

“As a dutiful mate should be. Your secret is safe with us,” Lae’zel replied, then glanced over at Shadowheart.

“We won’t tell another soul, promise,” Shadowheart affirmed.

Karlach took a deep sigh of relief and quickly changed the subject, “I’m supposed to have you downstairs already. We have a reservation and it wouldn’t be right for you to be late to your own bachelorette party. Chop, chop.”

Shadowheart suddenly put her hand to her stomach and let out a half laugh.

Lae’zel’s brows knitted together, “What troubles you, my joy?”

“Nothing, I’m fine. I just had a sudden case of the butterflies.”

Lae’zel wrapped her hand around Shadowheart’s and squeezed gently. All nervousness fled at once, replaced by a flood of comforting warmth starting from her hand and radiating throughout her body.

“I am your best chance at survival so once downstairs, do as I say,” Lae’zel purred, eyes twinkling with mirth.

Shadowheart smiled adoringly and played along, picking up on Lae’zel’s joke about their meeting aboard the nautiloid, “Who put you in charge? I’ll do as I wish.”

“Kainyank,” she grinned as she cupped her cheek then gave her a peck on her forehead.

“One of these days you’ll have to tell me what that translates to.”

“I thought I had. Insolent child, very loosely translated. How are you feeling?”

“Better, and I have you to blame for it.”

Lae’zel caught sight of Karlach gesturing emphatically at the staircase out of the corner of her eye. “Good. We should make haste before she resorts to carrying both of us down the stairs as means to move us where we need to be.”

A hush fell over Aylin, Isobel, and Jaheira immediately when they caught sight of Lae’zel and Shadowheart descending the stairs.

“Oh! Just look at you both!” Isobel beamed, “You both look absolutely stunning!”

“You will leave many hearts broken in your wake tonight,” Jaheira smirked.

“Without question,” Lae’zel agreed, head held high.

Shadowheart turned several shades of red from the complements, one for each stair they had left. As soon as they reached the ground floor, Aylin marched up to them and eagerly draped a hot pink sash with ‘Bachelorette’ boldly written in silver glittery script over each of their heads.


“Is this truly necessary?” Lae’zel scoffed, tugging the sash away from her body to get a better look, “It is so–”

Amazing is the word you’re looking for,” Karlach said excitedly.

“No. That is definitely not the word.”

Karlach nudged Lae’zel with her elbow, “Come on, don’t be like that. It’s all part of the fun of celebrating your last night of freedom.”

“This is not my last night of freedom,” Lae’zel said, a deadly serious expression on her face. “Shadowheart is my freedom and my joy. If it had not been for her I may not have been able to navigate Vlaakith’s betrayal or see the color that lies within this world. That will not suddenly change tomorrow when we are wed in some extravagant ceremony dictated by istik custom.” She paused for a moment in thought. “If you were referring to giving up the option to enjoy the carnal pleasure of others instead, then you forget we are already bonded mates. We swore off all others some time ago.”

Shadowheart sidled up to Lae’zel and hooked her arm in hers. “Don’t overthink it, avae’ess,” she said coyly. “As Karlach says, this is all just for fun. Tonight’s our last chance for some adventure before being married.”

Lae’zel’s ears perked and she co*cked her head slightly as she attempted to puzzle out the unfamiliar word. Whatever it was, it made Aylin and Isobel smile and hold each other close, Jaheira misty eyed, and Karlach just as confused as she was. “What is avae’ess? I do not know that word.”

“It means ‘joy bringer’ in elvish and the closest equivalent I know to zhak vo’n’fynh duj. I had originally planned on springing it on you in my vows, but I just couldn’t wait any longer. Especially after all those sweet things you just said.”

Joy bringer. Shadowheart’s words seemed to hang in the air, causing Lae’zel’s eyes to sparkle in surprise and delight. Shadowheart’s eyes sparkled too, somehow much more green than usual. Lae’zel could almost swear her heart skipped a beat as a warm, fluttering sensation bloomed in her chest like a hummingbird taking flight. She swallowed hard and focused on controlling herself. She couldn’t afford to let her emotions get the best of her, not now. If they did, the mild vibration in her chest could grow into a full-blown purr; something only Shadowheart was allowed to hear.

Lae’zel grinned and tucked a sprig of loose hair behind Shadowheart’s ear, “G’lyck, my joy. Your words pierce my heart deeper than any arrow.”

Karlach sighed, “Damn it you two! I hate to break this up, but we really need to go. The carriage is waiting! A little help here, Izzy?”

“Karlach’s right. We can’t afford to be late,” Isobel said as she helped Karlach gently herd the brides-to-be in the right direction.

Opening the door, Shadowheart almost jumped out of her skin when she saw Astarion loitering in their doorway.

“Well, well, well, don’t you two look positively good enough to eat?” he asked with a lick of his lips.

Shadowheart recoiled with a sneer and Lae’zel growled.

“Oh calm down, that’s no way to greet an old friend, is it?” he pouted.

“Lurking outside isn’t exactly what old friends do,” Shadowheart retorted.

“Seriously?” he scoffed. “Did you listen to absolutely nothing I told you about my condition before the tadpole?”

“No,” Lae’zel crossed her arms.

His lip twitched at her in frustration, “I can’t enter your house without being invited.”

Shadowheart narrowed her eyes at his weak attempt to persuade her to let him in.

He leaned forward, eyes darting around dramatically, “You should feel sorry for me. I was forced to wait here all alone, exposed in the dark. I could’ve been killed.”

“You’re much more likely to be the one doing the killing but that’s beside the point. As much as we’d love to catch up, it will need to wait. We actually have somewhere to be. Karlach and Isobel planned a night out for us,” she said, her voice laced with obviously false disappointment.

“You wound me!” he said, clutching his chest tragically, “I thought we had something special. How we gossiped! I don’t just do that with anyone, you know.”

“Yes you do and you’re always trying to stir sh*t up. You’re worse than any of the other girls I knew at the cloister.”

“Does Gale know you’re back?” Karlach butted in.

Astarion’s eyes widened for a split second before he caught himself, “He hasn’t gone back to Waterdeep yet?”

“No, he stayed on for the wedding. He’s still at the Elfsong,” Shadowheart said.

“There’s also a good chance he’s all by himself,” Karlach added, “Wyll had a thing with his father tonight, and well, the rest of us are here.”

“I see,” he pinched his bottom lip between his fingers in thought. “I had designs to crash your party but it seems my plans have changed,” he smirked. “I know there is an excellent chance you won’t be able to select a proper bottle of wine or have any fun without me but that is a risk I’m willing to take. I suppose I will see you two lovebirds tomorrow,” with that he gave a flamboyant bow and slinked off towards the city without another word.

“I can’t believe you just sold Gale out like that,” Shadowheart laughed at Karlach.

She laughed along, “Honey, I did him a favor. All he does is lay in bed reading the ‘romance’ books Wyll gives him and wakes me up in the middle of the night by moaning while he sleeps. If those aren’t symptoms of being pent up in a bad way, I don’t know what are.”

Shadowheart snuggled up under Lae’zel’s arm as the carriage rolled through the narrow Lower City streets. Lanterns hung from wrought iron brackets to illuminate their path, their warm, flickering light dancing over worn cobblestones and densely packed buildings. The air was thick with the mingled scents of spiced street food, fresh bread from late-night bakers, and the briny tang of the nearby docks. Every street they rode down buzzed with the sounds of lively conversations, the roar of bawdy drinking songs in crowded taverns, and the occasional shout of vendors hawking their wares.

“I never pictured myself riding in a carriage through the city at night. It’s beautiful,” Shadowheart smiled.

“You haven’t seen anything yet, sister,” Karlach winked.

The carriage slowed as it arrived at one of the city’s heavily fortified gates. Upon arrival, the Flaming Fist on watch held up their hand and the carriage stopped. Lae’zel and Shadowheart weren’t able to make out what the coachman said, but after a brief conversation metal grated on metal as the heavy gate was opened. Once they passed through, the difference between the Upper City and Lower City was apparent.

The streets were made of brick and wider than those in the Lower City, glistening under the soft, steady glow of magically lit street lamps. Noble estates stood proudly on either side of the street, their high walls, intricate gates, and well-kept exteriors evidence of the wealth and status of their inhabitants. The night air was more crisp and a gentle breeze carried the faint scent of blooming flowers from private gardens. Whenever the wind shifted they could also catch the mouthwatering aroma of gourmet dishes from high-end private drinking halls and restaurants somewhere in the distance.

For as loud and boisterous as the Lower City was, its sounds mysteriously faded into little more than a murmur in the Upper City. All they heard was the occasional laughter of revelers at an exclusive soirée or soft notes of music drifting from an open window. Even the rhythmic clatter of the carriage wheels were quieter somehow.

Shadowheart gripped Lae’zel’s arm as she looked around in wonder, “Why didn’t you tell me how grand the Upper City was?”

“I had no chance to experience it when I was with Urlon. We were much too busy preparing for our meeting. I am seeing it for the first time just as you are,” Lae’zel replied, trying to take it all in.

“It really is quite something, isn’t it? Despite all the things I have seen and places I’ve been, it still fills me with awe every time I have a reason to visit,” Jaheira smiled.

As the carriage moved deeper into the Upper City, the night sky opened up, revealing a blanket of stars no longer obscured by the smoke and grime that perpetually covered most of Baldur’s Gate. Passing under a humble archway that read ‘Temple District’, the stately manors were replaced with a scattering of small shrines, altars, and public gardens, some with their own reflecting pools. Within the public spaces stood white marble statues and fountains that seemed to glow by the light of the moon, making the scene appear almost ethereal. Each of the sanctuaries were dedicated to a different minor god or goddess of the pantheon, connected by a network of pathways that weaved the disparate sites into a larger web of worship. There were also several humble temples towards the center of the district dedicated to the major deities. Dwarfing everything else, however, were two ostentatious white marble buildings in the dead center of the district that looked like they were created for another time and place.

“The largest of those two ugly buildings ahead is the House of Wonders Baldur’s Gate is known for, right?” Shadowheart asked, “My memory is still a little fuzzy.”

Aylin hummed, “Aye. It is the temple of Gond, not to be confused with the smaller Hall of Wonders next door where his faithful display their ‘technological miracles.’” Her neutral expression morphed into a sneer, “It baffles me the two buildings stand after all this time considering the preposterous methods they used to build them. It would serve them right if they came crashing down on the Gondians in penitence for the many troublesome items they have wrought over the years.”

Isobel quickly changed the subject, “The Temple District means we’re almost to the Helm and Cloak! It’s just a stone’s throw from its center.”

Shadowheart’s eyes went wide with excitement, “That’s where we’re going? You’re joking, right?”

“What is the place you speak of?” Lae’zel asked.

“Only the most exclusive dining room in all of Baldur’s Gate!” Shadowheart gushed, “How in the hells did you swing it? Better yet, how in the hells can we afford it?!”

Aylin, Isobel, and Karlach grinned at each other.

“It’s our little secret,” Isobel smiled warmly.

The carriage came to a stop in front of an imposing pair of connected buildings made of dark, worn stone. A weathered cloak was draped over an exterior balcony of one structure and an enormous iron helmet hung above the intricately carved wooden door of the other.

“Here we are!” Karlach exclaimed.

Shadowheart beamed and clapped her hands together excitedly.

Upon entering, they found themselves in a rustic, spacious room of polished dark wood and high ceilings supported by exposed wooden beams made of ancient wood. To the side of the entryway stood a large marble bust of a unicorn, its bronze horn rubbed smooth from many years of people touching it. A few steps from the entryway stood an elderly, well dressed elf at a lectern, and behind him were several wooden tables and sturdy chairs scattered around the room where finely dressed customers enjoyed their meals and drinks.

“Dame Aylin! Come in, come in. Your private room awaits,” the elf smiled warmly.

“Excellent! Then let us waste no time,” she beamed. “And please, just Aylin, Vedren. I believe we have known each other long enough to dispense with formalities.”

Aylin and Vedren talked happily with one another as he led the party through several rooms. Eventually, they came to a dark wooden door with a beautiful carving of a woman’s face framed by hair made from inlaid red tinted wood.

“It’s been too long since you’ve graced our establishment Aylin, but the service remains the same. Should you need anything at all, just ring the bell placed on your table and one of my waitstaff will be with you posthaste! You have the room for as long as you’d like. Do you have any questions before I go?”

“Is the room decorated as I remember?” Aylin winked.

Vedren laughed, “It definitely is.”

“Excellent. No other questions then. Perhaps one day soon we will both have time to regale one another properly. It has been much too long.”

“Indeed. Halesta and I look forward to it.”

“One more thing before you go, I must properly introduce you to my darling Isobel.”

He smiled warmly and kissed Isobel’s hand, “So very nice to meet you, Isobel. I never thought I’d live to see the day when this wild one settled down. You must be truly special indeed.”

Isobel blushed, “Nice to meet you too.”

Vedren faced Lae’zel and Shadowheart with a half bow, “Above all, congratulations to you both. May you be blessed with a long and happy marriage.”

“Thank you!” Shadowheart beamed. Lae’zel nodded appreciatively.

Aylin pushed open the door and they all stepped inside. Despite her question about decorations, the room didn’t actually look much different than the rest of the rooms they’d seen walking through the Helm and Cloak. It had the same drapes, the same walls, the same everything.

Within the room was a long table with a pristine white linen cloth draped over it. At its center stood a polished silver candelabrum, its slender candles casting a warm, golden glow upon a meticulously arranged feast.

Two ornate silver platters caught Shadowheart’s attention first. One was piled high with shrimp and oysters on a bed of crushed ice while the other had a grand display of lobster and crab. Her mouth watered at the lobsters’ scarlet shells gleaming in the candlelight, their tails fanned out, exposing succulent, tender meat. Then her eyes drifted to the crab legs surrounding the lobsters; their snow-white flesh visible through split shells. As if that weren’t enough, between the two platters were porcelain dishes containing an assortment of fresh caught fish and tender slices of peppered Rothé steak in wine reduction. Flanking the steak and seafood were bowls of creamy mashed potatoes adorned with a pat of melting butter and a sprinkle of chives; a medley of sautéed green beans with slivered almonds and lemon zest; and bread, still warm from the oven.

A second nearby table was set for dining with fine china and carefully arranged silverware so shiny that it gleamed in the low light. At each setting were crystal goblets, filled with pale, dimly glowing chartreuse wine; its luminescence adding a mystical quality to the already stunning dinner spread.

The back of the room was arranged as a type of open sitting room, dominated by a grand stone fireplace. Upon its mantle were various adventuring trophies and trinkets and situated nearby were two wingback chairs, a plush couch, and a luxurious chaise lounge.

“Gods help me, there’s so much seafood”, Shadowheart mumbled as she stared at the feast, trying to decide where to start first.

“Impressive,” Lae’zel said looking around the room in approval.

“This could feed a small army. How many people did you order for?” Jaheira chuckled.

“Have you not seen Aylin and Karlach eat?” Isobel giggled.

“Ha! Point taken. If ever given the opportunity they would no doubt win against Minsc in an eating contest.”

“Where are the decorations you asked about, Aylin? Are they hidden? I do not see anything special about this room other than the food upon the table and the wine in our glasses,” Lae’zel observed.

“Look up,” Aylin smirked.

Looking up, they saw the ceiling was painted with an elaborate fresco featuring a variety of genders and most of the known races of Faerûn engaged in all manners of sexual acts on one another in a massive orgy. Yet, as p*rnographic as its subject was, it was painted so elegantly that it somehow managed to avoid being gaudy and overdone.

“AYLIN!” Isobel gasped.

Karlach let out a bellowing laugh, “Fuuuck me.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s literally the title of the painting,” Shadowheart snickered.

Lae’zel narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips as she studied the artwork, “I was not aware Istik bodies were flexible enough to achieve those positions.”

“They are. It just takes much practice, but that is also some of the fun,” Aylin chuckled.

Isobel groaned uncomfortably.

Jaheira just rolled her eyes and laughed, “Just when I had thought I had seen everything.”

“Who knew something so prim and proper on the outside could be so unashamedly debauched inside?” Shadowheart mused.

Lae’zel snickered to herself.

“What?” she batted her eyes innocently.

“I think Lae thinks you resemble that remark, Shads,” Karlach teased. “If it’s true, the game we have planned for later is gonna be fun.”

“Ugh, I can’t remember a time I ate so much. I’m stuffed,” Shadowheart said as they all moved to the sitting area, wine glasses in hand. “And this wine– I really like it. What kind did you say it was again, Aylin?”

“Saerloonian Glowfire. I suggest you make more room for dessert. They make the most decadent truffles here and they should be arriving any time now,” she said, “You two can have the chaise, Isobel and I will take the couch.”

Lae’zel beamed at Shadowheart, “We have not had chocolate since the night after the trade meeting. Even if I could not eat any more I would force myself to eat a rare delicacy such as that.”

“Force yourself? Talk like that makes me think you’re well on your way to becoming a chocolate addict,” Shadowheart laughed as they sat together on the chaise.

Lae’zel tutted in response.

“So, what is this game you alluded to earlier?” Jaheira asked.

“‘Never Have I Ever,’” Karlach said. “We each take turns saying spicy things we haven’t done. If someone else in the room has done the thing, they have to take a drink. However if no one’s done it, then the person who asked has to take a drink,” Karlach smiled.

“Heh. A curious type of game to want to involve an old woman in, but okay,” Jaheira smirked.

“This is unwise with Shadowheart being hunted,” Lae’zel frowned.

“Be at ease. Alcohol has no effect on me and this establishment also serves as the headquarters for the Order of the Unicorn, a knightly order I know well. I assure you, we are in a place most secure,” Aylin said.

“You can’t get drunk Aylin? Really? Well, sh*t!” Karlach blurted.

“Alas, no but it will be amusing to hear your confessions all the same,” Aylin smiled mischievously.

Everyone looked at Lae’zel pleadingly, trying to coax her into playing along.

“Very well,” Lae’zel agreed reluctantly.

Shadowheart squinted, “Before we get started, what is the point of this game, exactly? How will I know when I’ve won?”

“No point really, just fun,” Isobel shrugged. “However, if that isn’t good enough for you, you can play against Lae’zel and I will play against Jaheira and Karlach. The first to get drunk loses.”

“I hope you’re prepared to lose, Lae’zel,” Shadowheart ribbed.

She sneered, “Chk! I will be victorious over you in drinking just like I was the last time.”

“Would you like to start us off, Karlach?” Isobel asked.

“Yeah,” Karlach shifted in her chair and cleared her throat, “Ok, here’s a good one. Never have I ever…had sex with a gith.”

Shadowheart scowled, “Seriously, Karlach? Out of everything you could say and that’s what you came up with?”

“Yep. Drink up,” she laughed.

Lae’zel and Shadowheart eyed each other coldly as they both took a drink.

As the game went on, it only took a few rounds before it became clear that the whole point of the game was to get Lae’zel and Shadowheart drunk. Way too many of the questions conveniently ended with the phrase ‘with a gith’ or were extremely specific to things Lae’zel and Shadowheart had been seen doing for each other during their adventures together. It seemed like the only times the other women ever drank was when it was Lae’zel or Shadowheart’s turn to ask the question. Unfortunately, by the time they’d realized they’d been played, the damage was done. They weren’t quite as drunk as the last time they’d gone out with Karlach, but they weren’t far off.

“I know what you bitches did,” Shadowheart hiccuped and wagged her finger languidly, “You ganged up on us to get me and her drunk.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Isobel smiled innocently and stood up. “Did you notice dessert was here Lae’zel? You haven’t had a single chocolate yet,” she placed one of the small plates of candy that had been delivered while they were drinking on a table within her reach. “Here, let me take your glasses while I’m up too,” they both kept tipping their goblets precariously, so she thought she’d better take them before they spilled wine on something.

Lae’zel poked Shadowheart’s shoulder, “I win again!”

“Like hells you did,” she frowned.

“You just admitted you are drunk, so that means I won,” Lae’zel reasoned, her eyes seemingly struggling to focus on Shadowheart.

“Mmhmm. Because you’re so obviously sober? Just how many of me are there?” Shadowheart asked sarcastically.

“A test, but I will not be tricked. There is only one of you because you are unique. There never has, and never will be another worthy of me as you are. Just as there will never be another me to cherish you as you deserve. I suppose that is why I have accepted that you will be my obsession and I yours as long as we both draw breath,” she smiled crookedly, obviously satisfied with her answer as she reclined on the chaise.

Lae’zel’s words burned like embers in Shadowheart’s stomach and even lower still. All of a sudden who won the foolish drinking game they played no longer mattered. Even though she knew now was not the time, all she could think about was how much she wanted to touch Lae’zel and to be touched by her.

Shadowheart picked up one of the chocolates and touched it to Lae’zel’s lips with her best innocent smile, seemingly unaware of how clearly her lust showed in her eyes, “I love you too.”

Lae’zel spied the look in Shadowheart’s eyes immediately as she stared into them, her own eyes growing dark so that only thin golden halos remained. She kept her eyes locked on hers as she flicked her tongue along the candy’s surface sensuously before slowly sucking it into her mouth.

“Behave. We have an audience, remember?” she whispered as she positioned herself over Lae’zel and pressed her body into hers, their lips almost touching.

“Behave? You are the one pressing your body against mine,” she protested weakly.

“I don’t hear you complaining,” Shadowheart smiled wickedly, “Kiss me.”

Lae’zel wrapped her hand around the back of Shadowheart’s neck and pulled her closer until their lips met in a soft kiss, their mouths moving as one. As their tongues danced together, Shadowheart snuck her hand to Lae’zel’s exposed stomach, tracing nonsense patterns with her fingers. Lae’zel quivered and grunted in response, then held Shadowheart’s tongue between her teeth in warning. Taking the hint, Shadowheart stopped what she was doing and slid her hand up under Lae’zel’s doublet to rest on her ribs instead. That earned a low groan of approval and lip nibbles from Lae’zel as they continued kissing.

Jaheira sighed, “I remember how it was to be young and in love. It seems so long ago now.”

“They remind me of us, darling Isobel, even though I cannot blame my lack of restraint on drink like Shadowheart can,” Aylin thought out loud.

“They’re not going to– here– are they?” Isobel whispered to Karlach.

“Nah. They just tend to make out when they drink,” Karlach whispered back with a shrug. “From what I can figure, drinking turns Shads into a bit of an exhibitionist and Lae is unable to resist her.”

Lae’zel broke off the kiss and turned her head to glare at Karlach, “I heard that. I am capable of resisting her, shka’keth!”

Shadowheart whispered directly into Lae’zel’s ear, “Such a bad liar, I saw the look in your eyes and the way you took that chocolate from me. If they weren’t here you’d have your tongue inside me right now, wouldn’t you?” She followed the question by tugging on her earlobe with her teeth.

“Yes,” Lae’zel whispered quietly so only Shadowheart could hear, “I would rather have you melt against my lips and tongue than any chocolate.”

“You’re doing a great job! So much resistance!” Karlach ribbed.

Shadowheart licked and kissed the section of Lae’zel’s neck exposed by her looking at Karlach. Lae’zel shivered at the feeling of Shadowheart’s hot tongue against her skin, a tight knot forming low in her stomach.

“You are just jealous,” Lae’zel frowned at Karlach, her eyes partially closed.

“You’re not entirely wrong,” Karlach smirked and took a drink of wine.

“I am yours– here, now. I need you inside me. I don’t care who sees. Take me,” Shadowheart whispered to Lae’zel.

Lae’zel let out an almost inaudible whine from the back of her throat in response. She didn’t have to touch to know how wet Shadowheart’s sweet torment made her.

Shadowheart smiled to herself and pushed her body harder against Lae’zel as she nibbled her way along the back of her ear as far as she could reach, sucking on each of her ear nubs as she went.

Lae’zel’s breath hitched when she felt her cl*t twitch. “I need you too but you know I cannot,” she whispered.

Shadowheart pulled back slightly and ran her fingers through Lae’zel’s hair, “Perhaps I’ve teased you enough. You deserve a reward, don’t you think? Stand up with me,” she said and stood. She offered her hand to Lae’zel and she stood up too.

Shadowheart carefully removed her sash and placed it nearby. She then took the plate of chocolates in her hand and laid down flat on her back on the chaise. One by one, she carefully arranged the candy on the skin exposed by her outfit’s neckline and waistline, until there was only one left on the plate.

“Why are you wearing the chocolate?” Lae’zel asked.

“It’s a new game for us to play,” Shadowheart purred. “The rules are simple. I will place the last piece between my lips. If it melts before you are able to eat the rest of the chocolate from my body, I win.”

“The little cleric is quite creative, isn’t she? We must remember this game for later,” Aylin smiled at Isobel who was already blushing, “I believe it could be fun.”

“So your reward is another game? Fine! I accept your challenge and will win just as I always do,” Lae’zel said defiantly.

“We’ll see about that,” Shadowheart winked as she placed the last piece between her lips.

Lae’zel fell to her knees and stared at the chocolates on Shadowheart’s stomach while she devised a plan of attack. Even over the sweet earthy aroma of the candy, she could plainly smell how much her joy needed her. Lae’zel’s body screamed at her to pull down Shadowheart’s skirt and claim her body as her reward instead of the chocolates, but she knew this was not the time to do it. Not while their friends watched; sex would have to wait. She growled quietly to herself in frustration and focused on the task at hand, using her tongue and lips to quickly suck each truffle into her mouth. As efficient as her method was for speed, it still left a wet trail of slobber along Shadowheart’s skin where the candy had been.

“Oh godsh, Lae’shell! That ticklesh!,” Shadowheart bleated, almost dropping the chocolate from her lips. She tried her best to keep still, but couldn’t help but squirm and giggle. As soon as Lae’zel made it to her lips, she sucked the last piece of chocolate into her mouth with a smirk.

“You cheat! It was not melted! I saw it!” she hissed.

“Then you should be able to retrieve it,” she teased.

Lae’zel pounced on the chaise and smashed her lips into Shadowheart’s. Shadowheart squealed and wrapped her arms around Lae’zel, pulling her down onto herself forcefully in response. Their kiss was feral as their tongues fought for dominance. It seemed like every time Lae’zel tried to force her tongue past Shadowheart’s, she somehow managed to outmaneuver it.

“Well that escalated quickly,” Jaheira laughed.

Karlach chuckled, “Go Lae! You’ve got this! I saw it too! She cheated!”

“Don’t let her take it from you, Shadowheart!” Isobel cheered. “Gods, we're horrible influences aren’t we?”

“Hey, they’re having fun, right? That’s the main thing, isn’t it?” Karlach’s eyebrows bobbed up and down as she took another drink of wine.

“Lae’zel is really going for the win, isn’t she? I do not think I realized how competitive they were,” Jaheira laughed.

“They were rivals long before they were lovers. This is nothing,” Karlach said.

Lae’zel growled and Shadowheart giggled as they writhed together.

“It’s getting late. Do you think it’s about time we moved on to our last stop of the evening?” Isobel asked.

“Yeah we probably should once a victor is declared. We’ll just have to wait though. I know better than to get in the middle of those two,” Karlach said flatly.

There was a grunt then a faint wet popping sound when Lae’zel finally broke the kiss. “That is enough for now. I will go mad if you continue tempting me without release,” she whispered breathlessly to Shadowheart.

“So it’s settled. You can’t resist me,” Shadowheart whispered back with a wink.

Lae’zel rolled her eyes. “You are relentless. Did I not already admit you are my obsession?” she whispered. With that, she got up and sat on the edge of the chaise.

“Did you get it?” Karlach asked.

Lae’zel pulled her lips back to show a sad, mostly melted chocolate nestled between her teeth before swallowing it for good, “She fought well. It was not an easy battle, but yes, I won.”

Shadowheart sat up too, a smile dancing on her face, “Even though I lost the battle, I still won in other ways.”

“Wonderful. Now that that’s settled, we have one more surprise for you,” Isobel smiled.

The ride back to the Lower City seemed to be much shorter than it had been to the Upper City. Before they knew it, they were back to weaving through the narrow, dimly lit streets and densely packed buildings they were accustomed to. The city still hummed with activity, but it was lower now as the night quickly approached its peak.

“That really was an excellent dinner,” Shadowheart smiled at Karlach and Isobel, “I’ll never forget it.”

“Neither will I,” Lae’zel smiled.

“Thank Aylin,” Isobel said, “She was the one who came up with the idea after we thought it a good idea to take the party private in light of recent events.”

“A wise choice. Thank you, Aylin,” Lae’zel said.

The carriage eventually came to a stop in front of a charming two-story building made of wood and stone, its front partially obscured by a cascade of ivy. The lantern-lit entrance was marked by a beautifully crafted door of dark mahogany, its surface adorned with intricate carvings of entwined vines and blooming flowers. Beside the door hung a polished brass plaque, ‘Rod and Barry’s’ etched in elegant, looping script upon its surface.

The windows, though few, were draped with luxurious velvet curtains in deep crimson, tied back just enough to be welcoming without revealing the interior. Even though there wasn’t much light to be had, the curtains glimmered slightly, catching the low light in a way that seemed almost magical.

“Shall we, ladies?” Karlach beamed, almost sprinting for the door, her tail twitching in anticipation the whole way.

“That wine wore off way too soon. If I’d known we were coming here I would’ve drunk more,” Shadowheart laughed.

Opening the door, they were greeted with the soft, pleasant scent of sandalwood and lavender.

Just inside the doorway, an old gnome sat behind the shop’s counter, not bothering to look up from thumbing through a copy of Busty Giant Beauties magazine.

“Welcome to Rod and Barry’s where fantasy meets reality. Need help finding anything? dild*es, lubrication, magical marital aids?” he rasped.

“Nah, we’re just looking,” Karlach replied.

“Suit yourself. I’ll be here.”

Walking further into the store, Lae’zel’s eyes went wide and she made a beeline towards a floor to ceiling silver pole on display. Without a word she leapt at the pole and spun around it gracefully, climbing it using just her arms. Once at the top, she held herself there for a few moments with only one hand and foot on the pole, her other hand and foot extended from her body in a dramatic pose. Then she repositioned, gripping the pole with both hands as she swung her legs in a slow arc with catlike grace.

Shadowheart bit her bottom lip as she walked up to the pole and stared at Lae’zel. Everyone else just watched from a distance.

Shifting her position once again, Lae’zel gripped the pole with only her thighs. She leaned all the way back until she was inverted, playfully twirling headfirst as she slowly descended to be eye level with Shadowheart.

“I could feel your eyes on me. You find my agility exercises amusing? Why?” she blinked.

Shadowheart cleared her throat and tried to put on a straight face, “If the whole diplomat thing doesn’t work out for you, you could make great money as a pole dancer.”

She rolled her eyes, “Chk! I suppose I should not be surprised that istik would pay to watch me exercise.”

“W-would you like a pole for the house? For training? They sell them here and we have that nice high ceiling in our bedroom?” Shadowheart asked bashfully.

Lae’zel extended her arms below her head and gripped the pole tightly before effortlessly pushing off with her feet, dismounting the pole in a move that looked like a slow motion backflip, “Yes, I believe I would. Does this store have any other exercise equipment?”

“Doubtful. This is not a sporting goods store,” Jaheira replied as the rest of the party approached.

Lae’zel pointed at the pole defiantly, “Yes it is. They sell agility poles, do they not?”

“No, avae’ess. This is a sex shop and that is a stripper pole. Look around. We’re surrounded by phalluses,” Shadowheart explained gently.

Lae’zel pulled Shadowheart aside, “What do we need with a ‘sex shop?’ I know I am by far the best lay you have ever had so that could not be it. Is this yet another way to seduce me without sating me? If so, I want no part of it.”

“No more games. You asked me to stop, so I stopped. We’re here to look around to see what we see. Who knows, we might see something we never knew we needed.” She reached out and took Lae’zel’s hand in hers, “Come with me. I want to see what a ‘magical marital aid’ is.”

“We’re going to go look around on our own if you don’t mind?” Shadowheart told the others.

“Ok, see you in a bit,” Karlach grinned.

After searching for a while, Lae’zel and Shadowheart found the section of the store they were looking for. It was in a separate back room with several shelves, each containing various magically imbued objects. Lae’zel watched keenly as Shadowheart put her hands on nearly everything, reading each description with the utmost interest.

“None of them sound interesting to you?” Lae’zel asked after a while.

“I’m not sure. It seems like most of these things either simply vibrate or wouldn’t be of much use to us.”

Lae’zel hummed.

“Hold on, I might have spoken too soon,” she said as she pulled a tangle of straps off the shelf.

“What is that?”

“The tag says it’s a ‘haptic harness.’ It magically transfers feeling from a phallus used with the harness to the wearer as if it were their own,” she read out loud, “Oh my, that could be fun, don’t you think?”

Excitement flashed in Lae’zel’s eyes, only to be quickly replaced by skepticism, “What is the catch?”

“It’s extremely expensive.”

“Hey, there you are! Find anything?” Isobel asked, Aylin on her heels.

“Maybe. A ‘haptic harness.’ Ever heard of such a thing?” Shadowheart asked.

“YES!” Aylin declared joyfully.

“You own one, don’t you, you saucy wench,” Shadowheart taunted Isobel, “I knew you had to have some kink in you somewhere.”

Isobel didn’t have to say a word. Her face turning a deep shade of red answered for her.

Aylin cupped a hand around her mouth as she bent down and whispered something into Isobel’s ear.

“That’s up to you, Aylin,” she replied.

“Would you accept it as one of our wedding gifts?” Aylin asked hopefully.

“Oh! I–” Shadowheart looked over at Lae’zel who nodded in response. “That’s so very generous of you. Thank you!”

“We’ll have them package it up for you to receive tomorrow. Sorry you know part of what we got you, but it’ll be worth it,” Isobel winked as Shadowheart handed the harness to her.

By the time they were done shopping, Karlach was left carrying the pole and each of the brides carried two bags of new goodies and lingerie. Jaheira also bought something; a mysterious box whose contents she refused to talk about. After one more short carriage ride, they were finally back home where they started.

“Well, that was an interesting evening,” Jaheira smiled. “Thank you for inviting me. Unfortunately, I should be off. Tomorrow comes too soon.”

“Thanks for coming!” Shadowheart smiled.

“We’d better head back too,” Isobel said. “I can’t wait for tomorrow and I’m not even the one getting married!”

“Bye! Have a good night!,” Shadowheart waved.

Karlach let out a wide mouthed yawn, “I’ll drop this pole of yours inside the house but then it’s time for us to go too, Lae’zel.”

“No,” she frowned and crossed her arms.

“Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” Karlach sighed. “It’s custom for you not to sleep together the night before the wedding.”

“I said no,” she growled. “I will not leave her alone and unguarded.”

Shadowheart hummed, “I think I have a solution–”

“Does everyone have enough room? I know I’m a big girl,” Karlach chuckled.

“Just don’t roll over or one of us is falling out of this bed,” Shadowheart giggled.

“Ska’ra usst t’rac,” Lae’zel hissed under her breath, “Va tiar’ka mii’har!”

“I have no idea what you just said Lae, but I can tell you’re pissed. This was Shadowheart’s idea, remember? It’s only for one night,” Karlach draped an arm over Lae’zel and pulled her close, “Does this make it better?”

“No! It does not make it better! I said this is madness and that I am capable of restraint! You do not have to sleep between us.”

“I know you are,” Karlach whispered to Lae’zel, “It's Shads I’m worried about. She can’t keep her hands off you.”

Lae’zel let out a deep sigh. She couldn’t argue with that.

“What doesn’t make it better?” Shadowheart asked sleepily.

“Oh, I’m giving Lae friend snuggles but I don’t think she likes it,” Karlach explained.

“Friend snuggles!” Shadowheart draped her arm over Karlach’s midsection and squeezed, “If she’s not biting or clawing you that means she’s fine.

“Chk! I AM NOT FINE!” Lae’zel bristled, “I belong in your arms, not hers.”

“You’re the only one trying to make it weird, Lae’zel. Everyone’s wearing underwear for gods’ sake. Nothing’s going on. We’re just three friends sleeping with each other in a perfectly normal one night stand,” Shadowheart snickered.

Lae’zel huffed in disapproval of the innuendo.

“Wyll will never believe that I ended up sandwiched between my two favorite ladies for the sake of chastity. Hells, I can’t believe it either!” Karlach giggled.

“Good night Karlach, good night Lae’zel,” Shadowheart yawned then buried her face into Karlach’s back.

“Night, you two! Happy wedding eve!” Karlach said.

There was a long awkward silence.

“Did Lae’zel run away?” Shadowheart asked.

“Nope, I still have my arm around her,” Karlach replied.

“Rest well,” Lae’zel finally said begrudgingly.

Lae’zel hated not spending a night in Shadowheart’s arms, but truth be told, the situation wasn’t nearly as bad as she was making it out to be. Karlach was an excellent cuddler.

Learning to be Free - Chapter 21 - CobaltCactus (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.