THE COURIER; Minden, Neb, Thursday, Nor. 20, 1958 5 SHOWER HONOREE Mlu Karen Schurman was the honored guest at a miscellaneous shower Thursday evening at' St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Hildreth. Mrs.
Leon Johnson had charge of the evening entertainment 1 after which Karen, Assisted by her sister Sharon and her mother, Mrs' Andrew Schurman. opened her, many lovely gifts. The53 guests enjoyed a nice lunch served bv the lunch coipmittee. Out of town guests were from Fairmont Hastings, Minden. Hildreth, and Wilcox.
FOR GOOD BUYS -Rad ths Courier Shop tho rSpeolaf Values. to bo found therein for Real Savings. NOTICE Lay away NOW for Christmas. A small deposit will hold. Skogmoo Store.
11-1 School Lunch Menus Week of November 24th Monday Chill, crackers, cheese sandwich, carrot strips, rice pudding. Tuesday Turkey and dressing, cranberry hot rolls, pumpkin -Wednesday -Moat sandwich, macaroni and cheese; pickles, fruit, chocolate cake. arid Friday THANKSGIVING VACATION! N. Nelsen" Is Inihe hospital at IlastlnRa undorRolnR treatments. Mr.
and Mrs. Herman JurRcns entertained her anniversary club Friday evening. nd Mrs. Roy Hansen w1 rs. Anna Johnson at Upland Sunday.
Mrs. Ray Palmer. Portland. Ore, visited with Mrs. N.
K. Nelsen last week. Mrs. David Rodine, Hastings, spent Tuesday -with her mother, Mrs. Lewis Lynn.
Mrs. Roy Hansen and Mrs. Andy Petersen visited with Mrs. Lars Olsen Friday evehinR. Mr1, -and Roy Hansen were Saturday evening visitors of and Mrs.
Mart Hansen. Mrs. VlrRll Yant and children. Heart well, visited -with Mrs. Christina.
Munk. Sunday evening. 1 I Mrs. Warren Bolsen and Jean visited with Mrs. Law-, rence Broberg Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs.1 Marvin Favlnger and sons were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Beahm and family and Mrs. Leighton Goodrich and son, Omaha, spent the week end with her father, Wilhelm Johnson.
Mrs. Chris Jensen spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vergale Jensen and daughters at Hostings. and with friends at Ayr.
NOTICE away. NOW for Christ ft.H. A small deposit will hold. GillTlblfl'l 111 Mis. Helen Moffltt spent in limit Ings, a guest of her siiti.
KoRer and family. Mr. anil Mrs. Cecil JurRena Sunday at the home of Mis. Minnie Bunger and Harry, iiiiiiivth; Mr.
and Mrs. Merle Beahm nMil family apent Sunday win with. J. and Kenneth and Mrs. 'Arthur Hubert, PiMirirc, 'apent Saturday and Snnil.iv with Mr.
and Mra. Paul UulwrtTand family. Mr. and Wayne Thomsen and-family. McCook, apent Sat-uriliiv and Sunday with and Thomsen 'Coffee guests of Mra.
Wednesday afternoon were- Mra-. Lewis Lynn, Mrs. Kmil Lynn, -Mra. Christina Ja-oihsen and Mrs. S.
K. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lydcn ere visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert lAclcn, Nnponee, Wednesday, niev apent Thursday with Mr. ami Mrs. Russell Gastoi and d.uiehter nt Campbell. i Friday slipper1 Rueata of Mrs.
Win. Peterson were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson and (liiiiRhtera. Mr.
and Mra. Rav Wilcox and family, Mr. and Mrs. II. Jensen and Mr.
and Mrs. Gary Morrow. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NEWS (Hours: 2-4 P. M. 74:30 P.
MEDICAL Dudley Benson (Oscar), Upland; Mrs. Henry 'Rasmussen, Jon. Grubb (Neal), Mrs. Rieka Schwenke, Mrs. Dorothy Johansen.
Minden. SURGICAL Carl Meyer, J.M. (Jack) Reis-lnger, sr, Dixie Christensen (Arto), ACCIDENT Rosalie-Jenaes (Andrew), Minden. Rosalie fell and broke her arm. John Minden.
John was roping a horse and his thumb was partly torn BIRTHS Nov. 12 A girl. Lourie Mar-' lene, 7 6Vi ozs, to Mr. and Mrs; Melvin Horsley. (Dora Brooks), Minden.
1 Nov. 16 A son. Dale Dean, 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson (Naomi Hubert), Upland.
17 A son, Kirk Pat-rick. 8 lb, 13 ozs, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Saltzgaber (Dah; lia Christensen). Minden.
DISMISSALS Arnold Hogeland. Norman; Dudley Benson, Upland; Mrs. Norvin Dorn and son, John Grubb, Robert Rosalie Jensen, -Mrs. Mary Sorensen. John Garrett.
Rieka Schwenke, Mra. Melvin Horsley and daughter. Carl Meyer. Merlin Madsen, Minden. CONGRATULATIONS! Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Albers are the proud parents of a son borti Monday at the Mary Lan-ning Hospital Hastings WILL BAKE CARLSON BAKERY FRESH BAKED GOODS Known Ftr Their Flavor, Goodness, Freshness! 1 South Side of Square Minden) Nebraska -Calvin Sodcrauist and Neal were coffee guests of Mrs. Lawrence BroberR Friday. -Mr. and Mra.
Carl Hubert and family. Bladen, were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kile and sons. Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Bronson attended the SOth Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frlskup Sunday afternoon. Callers of Mrs.
J. Lower the past week were and Mrs. Cleon Lower, Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lower, Norman.
1 and Mrs. Lawrence BroberR were coffee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stadler and Gerald Sunday evening ofter end Mrs. Victor Nelson entertained "Mr.
and1 Mrs. Gene Nelson and sons at. dinner Sunday to help Gene celebratp his birthday. Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Schegg and Bloomington, were Sunday afternoon -visitors and supper guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Quincy. Helen- Larsen. Des Moines, la, and Mf.
and Mra David Larsen, sr, were supper guests of Mr. and Mra Merle Beahm and family Thursday. Visitors of Mr. and Mra Alfred Johnson Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Leighton Goodrich and son, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Johnson and family and Wilhelm Johnson. Visitors of Mrs.
Christina Munk the past week were Mrs. Katie Smith, Norman. Mrs. Lars Olsen, Mrs. Etoncr Christ cmen.
Mrs. Bill Ilultgim Upland, and Mr. and Mra Elmer ILawe. Heartwcll. Mrs.
Tilda" Danielson entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Danielson and sons and Mra Maurice Danielson, Upland, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nelson and family and Mr.
and Mra. Alfred F. Johnson. Coffee guests of Mra. Wesley Jacobs Friday afternoon were Mra.
Andrew Christensen. Mrs. Chris Christensen. Elwood. Mrs.
Don DeFor, Denver. Colo, Mrs. Orville Nielsen. Aurora. Mrs.
Chris Anderson. Mra Roger Jacobs and baby and Mrs. Arthur Petersen. Mr. and Mra.
Harold Robb and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Musgravs recently returned from a trip of 4.000 miles touring the states along the Gulf, the southern states, Florida, the Ozark. New Orleans and the Big Smoky Mountains. Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Kinney slnd son attended church service at Upland Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lew, Is Scharff. In the afternoon all visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Scharff. Red Cloud, and in the evening with Mr. and Mra. Otto Scharff ht Riverton.
PRE-HOLIDAY SALE OF DRESSES ONE GROUP Reg. $19.95 SALE PRICE $12.77 ONE GROUP Reg. $17.95 SALE PRICE $10.77 ONE GROUP Reg. $12.95 and $14J95? ONLY $8.77 See Our Balbriggan. and Flannel TPs Priced From $3 to $5.95 CORDUROY SLACKS $7.95 WOOL SLACKS $8.95 WE HOPE TO HAVE YOU VISIT US DEDICATION DAY, NOVEMBER 25 Dress Shoppe Minden, Nebraska Be list simply good Bt good for somsthlng.
John Bolsen yisited with. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Johnson Tuesday evening, Mrs.
Elmer Davidson was a dinner guest Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Lara. Olsen. Mrs Rav Ingram, Axtell, visited with her mother, Mrs.
Emma Ferrell. Tuesday. and Mrs. Bill Petersen visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John Johannesen Sunday evening. Mra S. K. Hansen and Mrs. Kitty Johansen visited with Mrs.
Julius Johansen -Sunday. Mr. and Mrs; Gordon Petersen and family visited with Mr. and Mrs; James Parker at Hastings Sunday; and Mrs: Niels Nielsen left Tuesday morning for Kennewick. Wash, after a short visit here with relatives.
I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ernst and family and Katie Smith' were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Olsen.
Mrs. Harley Hansen. Denver. Colo, spent the Week end with Mr. and Mra.
Anton Jepsen, Mr. and Roy Hansen, and other Mrs'. Marvin' Nelson and baby, Mra. Alfred F. Johnson and Mrs.
Tilda Danielson were coffee guests of Mrs. Betty Nelson Thursday. tor. and Mrs. Lynch and Tommy: Wilcox, and Miss Lois Hansen spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Johnson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Pctcracrt and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Bungcr and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clanton at Cairo Sunday. Mrs.
Gordon Muller spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johannesen and family while her husband went deer hunting. Mrs.
Glen Sinncn. Mr. and Mrs. Bvron Jorgensen and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Hansen risked with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson Monday evening. Mrs. Harry Chick.
Loveland. Colo, Mrs. Vem Partridge. Mra. Paul Hubert and Mrs.
Alfred Johnson were coffee guests of Mrs. Cedi Jurgens Tuesday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and. Mrs.
Paul Hubert and family were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hubert. Beatrice, and Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Fritz and Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Keen and sons, Mrs. Carolyn Werth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werth. and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Albers attended funeral services for Erick Jacobi tz at Wanda Sunday. Jeffrey West berg, Gibbon, spent Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest West berg, while his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Marlin Westberg. attended a Farm Bureau. Convention at Lincoln. Mrs.
Warren Newbold went to Grand Island Tuesday of last week to accompany her son Vernon, who was piloting a plane, to Denver. Colo. She re-turned home Monday after visit-ing Vernon and his family. Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jacobs. Roy Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Jacobs and Pamela. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bayer and Cheryl ana Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Carlwn and John were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jacobs Sundav to help Mary celebrate her otn birthday. Attending the 50th Anniversary of the Franklin Eastern Star Tuesday evening were the grand officers of the state and from Minden, Mrs. E.
H. Byers, Mrs. Richard Jensen. Charles A. Chappell.
Mrs. Dean Layton. Mrs. Clayton Morey, Mrs. Richard Jahn and Mr- and Mrs.
Paul Musgrave. Mr. and Mra. Clarence Jameson entertained at a cooperative dinner Monday honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Niels of Kennewick. Wash. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Hansen.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glenn. Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Johnsonand Janet. Falk Johnson. ChrtSv Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred YJohnson.
Mra. Hulda Nielsen an LaRae and Mrs. Anna Johnson of Upland, Rav and Ronnie Johnson, -PLATTE VALLEY CLUB The Platte Valley 4-II Club held their November meeting at Wilbur Volentines, the 4-H lead' er. Plans were made for our an nual oyster feed. There were nine members present.
There will be an officers meeting Nov. 17 at Wilbur Volentines. Nancy Mitchell, news reporter. 9 TURKEY TIME AT MASONS MARKET WE BUY TOGETHER AND SELL FOR LESS NORBEST GRADE A TURKEYS Young Toms, 16-22 lbs. lb.
34c Young Hens, 8-14 lbs. lb. 40c Beltsville Turkeys, 5-10 45c Be Sure To Get Brown berry Sage And Onion Stuffing For Your Turkey. OVEN READY Biscuits 9c Cranberries 15c 12c POUND CELLO BAG $ave $ave $ave $ave We're Having A "Thank You" Sale if imnnmnmrurm FREE Pepsodent Stripe Toothpaste Ask Don 8-OUNCE BOX SHURFINE SALAD SHURFINE STRAINED Cranberry Sauce 303 CANS 17c Dressing 35c Shortening 365c QUART 8 OUNCE $100 BRECK SHAMPOO $4.95 ELECTRIC $329 HEAT PAD feFtyui COFFEE ONLY SUPER VALUE KLEENEX 400s 5 lor $120 FRENCHS PURE BLACK Pepper 4-OZ. 35c CAN 25c $1.00 GILLETTE WORD SERIES RAZORS 79c 50c CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS 39c OCOMA PIES LARGE 22-OZ.
Family Size Will Be In Monday Pumpkin Pies 39c Mince Pies 49c 99c $1.23 NOXEMA Bordens None Such MINCEMEAT 25c Box 59e BALL POINT PENS RUBBING ALCOHOL 2 Pints 69c 59e CUTRX polish 39 remover 53c COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 2 For 89c 19c Golden Seedless and Puffed Seeded Muscats Raisins New Pillsbury Blueberry Pancake Mix AH The New Cake Mixes. Booth Fish, Spiced Cut Lunch Herring, Roll Mops, Sour Cream Tidbits, Gaf felbitar, Anchovies, Smoked Salmon, and Frozen Lutefisk -2 Vt Pound Boxes. IJ.e.'FK1. 1 aSJLNBI busy bee aid society The Busy Bee Aid Society met with Mrs. Oscar Johnson Nov.
12. Mrs. John Dallas directed a group participation Thanksgiving" program. Meeting was called to order bv Mrs. Wilbur Volentine.
v. p. Donations for several organizations were allocated and preparations for the annual Christmas party were Each member may bring a guest and an exchange gift for herself and her guest Lunch was served to the fol-. lowing members: Mrs. Tom.
Sear Mrs. Wilbur Volentine. Mrs. John Dallas. Mrs.
Lester Mclnrov. Mrs. Norris' Johnson, Mrs-. Fred Kahle, Mra. John Kahle.
Mrsr'Rav Neal. Mrs. Raymond Kring. Mrs. John S.
Wes-tesen. Mrs. John R. Westcsen, and Lowell Roedcr. The' Christmas party will be held December 10.
Each. mem' her is asked t9 notify Mrs. Norris Johnson or Mra. Logroll Roedcr nt least a wools licforc the party if she can attend and plans to bring a berndt drug SOUTH SIDE PHONE 62 PHONE 9-W aDAY or NIGHT.