Summer Housing | Residential Life (2024)

Eligibility for Summer Housing

To live on campus, residents must meet one or more of the following:

  • Housing Insecurity. This does not include the inability to live somewhere else because you are doing an internship or work on or close to campus.
  • Students taking summer courses - this only applies to the dates that you are enrolled in a summer course.
  • Student interning on-campus or working on campus.

If you intend to meet one or more of the above criteria, please write in to livingoncampus@uconn.eduto request access to the Summer Housing Application.

Summer Housing at Stamford

Information about summer housing at the Stamford campus will be forthcoming, including room assignment location, accommodations, and rates.

Verification of Eligibility

Summer coursework will be verified though University records.

Staff will reach out to students to provide proof for other reasons.

Summer Housing Accommodations

Summer housing will be in double-occupancy spaces in Werth Tower and if needed in triple-occupancy in Garrigus Suites.

Assignments are based on availability. Residents will be provided with a specific room assignment at check-in.

Health/Medical Accommodations:Residents with a documented health/medical condition or disability which mayimpacttheir living environment must contact theCenter for Students with Disabilitiesto register and request a housing accommodation. Current students who already are registered should notify their CSD case manager that theywillneed a summer housing accommodation.

Summer Rates

Summer housing is billed on a flat, weekly rate from Sunday-Saturday.

Fee bills are generated once per month. These billing dates apply to all residents, including those not taking a summer course.

Residents living on-campus for multiple months will be receive multiple bills, as each bill covers about 1 month.

Summer Housing Application Timeline

Email in to Request AccessApplication Access GivenCompletion of Application and VerificationEligible Date to Move In
By April 24April 26April 30May 5
By May 1May 3May 7May 12
By May 8May 10May 14May 19
By May 15May 17May 21May 26
By May 22May 24May 28June 2
By May 29May 31June 4June 9
By June 5June 7June 11June 16
By June 12June 14June 18June 23
By June 19June 21June 25June 30
By June 21June 28July 2July 7
By July 3July 5July 9July 14
By July 10July 112July 16July 21
By July 17July 19July 23July 28
By July 24July 26July 30August 6

Transitioning from Spring to Summer Housing Assignments

Students approved for a late stay in Spring 2024 who also require summer housing will remain in their Spring assignment for the full Spring term. Directions for their move to Werth Tower for Summer housing will be emailed at a later date.

Summer Residents Transitioning to Fall 2024 Housing

Summer residents who are living on-campus as the week of August 12 who also have a Fall 2024 on-campus housing assignment will transition to their Fall 2024 during the week. No exceptions will be made to move on a later date. Details will be sent to eligible students in August.

Summer Residents Not Living On-Campus for Fall 2024

Residents that are not living on campus for Fall 2024 semester will need to move out by Friday August 16, 2024 at 12:00pm (noon).

Planning Check-in and Check-out Dates

As housing is billed as a weekly flat-rate, please include the Sunday you plan to check-in (or the Sunday prior to your check-in, if you plan to arrive mid-week) and the Saturday you plan to check-out (or the following Saturday, if you plan to check-out midweek).

Leaving Summer Housing for at least 1 week and then returning to Summer Housing

If you intend to live on campus for part of the summer, leave for at least 1 week, and then return to summer housing, please email us at

To meet the demand of room requests, we cannot guarantee a resident will be reassigned to the same room during each stay. As such, all belongings will need to be removed at each check-out.

Did your plans change after filling out the application?

If your plans change after completing the application, please

Summer 2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Room Rates

Summer housing is billed by the week, Sunday-SaturdayWerth Tower

Double Central A/C
Shared Bathroom

Hilltop Apartments

4 Person - 4 Bedroom Apartment
(Only for approved students)

Northwood Apartments

Northwood Apartment
(graduate students only)

Garrigus Suites

Triple Suite A/C

(if needed)

Housing Rate
$180/week + meal plan$308/week$209/week$194/week

Meal Plan Information

  • Students living in a dorm/suite are required to purchase a meal plan. There are two meal plan options:
  • Meals all 7 days per week: $189/week
  • Meals 5 days per week (Monday-Friday only): $135/week
  • Summer meal plans include 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, and 1 dinner per day. Unused meals do not rollover to the following day.
  • Students enrolled in a summer class may change their meal plan for each term they are enrolled until the third day of classes. After you’ve checked-in, please contact Dining Services at (860) 486-3128 to make changes during this window.
  • Students working or interning on campus may change their meal plan up until their third day living on campus. After you’ve check-in, please contact Dining Services at (860) 486-3128 to make changes during this window.
  • Students assigned to an apartment will not be assigned a meal plan. However, options are available to purchase through Dining Services.
Summer Housing | Residential Life (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.